Failing "IIT dream" didn't stop this Walmart techie from achieving success

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    Riti Kumari's journey to success

    Riti Kumari's journey to success

    Riti Kumari achieved a 9.6 CGPA in Class 10 and secured 91 percent in Class 12. However, despite her academic accomplishments, she failed to gain admission to the prestigious Indian Institutes of Technology (IIT) after not performing well in the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE).

    Initial struggles and career decision

    Initial struggles and career decision

    After experiencing a year of feeling lost, Kumari decided to make the best out of her situation and explore alternative career options. She joined a government college, not wanting to burden her father with the expenses of pursuing higher education at a more renowned institution.

    Failed JEE but cracked interviews with over 13 companies

    Failed JEE but cracked interviews with over 13 companies

    Kumari's determination led her to apply for various software developer positions. She successfully cleared the interview process at Accolite, marking her first job offer. Subsequently, she received offers from over 13 companies and eventually joined Walmart as a software developer.

    Discovering her interest

    Discovering her interest

    During her first year in college, Kumari continued to regret not making it to the IIT. However, while browsing LinkedIn, she stumbled upon software developer job requirements, coding, and data structures and algorithms (DSA). Intrigued by this field, she decided to delve deeper and explore this avenue.

    Reflecting on her journey and inspiring others

    Reflecting on her journey and inspiring others

    On her first anniversary as a corporate professional, Kumari took to Twitter to share her story. She expressed gratitude for her achievements, acknowledging that it seemed like a dream come true. Kumari aimed to normalize feelings of demotivation, confusion, and depression, emphasizing that everyone experiences such situations and can emerge stronger.

    Failure is not the end

    Failure is not the end

    Kumari mentioned that not being accepted into IIT no longer bothers her. She now works alongside colleagues from top-tier colleges and has found contentment in her career. Her story resonated with many Twitter users who shared their own struggles and aspirations, finding inspiration in Kumari's journey of pursuing her passion despite setbacks.
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    The Economic Times